About the Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce and Industry

As the champion of the business community, the Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCI) provides support, connection, and advocacy for businesses across the Bunbury Geographe region. We work across a wide range of areas, from day-to-day business opportunities and challenges to regional infrastructure and community affairs.

Bunbury Geographe CCI is strictly apolitical, financially independent, and committed to providing members with opportunities to advance their interests, build profitable networks, and contribute to the prosperity of our community.

Established in 1897, the Chamber has a long history of fostering connections and business development - our purpose remains the same today. With approximately 450 members, we are recognised as the leading business organisation in the South West region.

In 2003, the South Western Club and the Bunbury Chamber of Commerce merged to form the South West Business Association, now trading as the Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce & Industry. We moved into our office at 15 Stirling Street—known as Chamber House—which now offers spaces for events, workshops, and meetings, as well as housing tenants and staff.

We are overseen by an Executive Committee made up of representatives from member businesses and organisations, and managed by a CEO and dedicated staff.

Bunbury Geographe CCI is a member of the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry WA (RCCIWA), which represents approximately 10,000 businesses across regional Western Australia. This affiliation ensures regional chambers can raise and address issues that impact business communities across the state. Additionally, through our investment in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA), our members gain direct access to a range of tools, services, and support provided by CCIWA.


Committees & Reference Groups – Bunbury Geographe CCI Representation

The Bunbury Geographe CCI represents the business community through membership of the following committees and reference groups:

  • City of Bunbury Bi-Centennial Square Working Group
  • City of Bunbury Events Advisory Committee
  • Bunbury Geographe Stakeholders Group
  • Bunbury Hospital Redevelopment Community Reference Group
  • Geographe for Purpose Committee
  • Regional Coordinating Committee - DTWD
  • Shire of Capel Economic Development Committee
  • South West Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce
  • Symposium 100