2024-25 South West Futures Edition

August 30, 2024
Business News

The South West Regional Futures document provides a Regional Economic Snapshot of the South West, and identifies key strength and challenges facing the region.

This piece of apolitical work marries the principles of regional development with opportunity. It identifies South West characteristics, trends shaping our future, priority settings and the principles of regional development to highlight a range of interventions and proposals that would make our region an internationally-recognised region of excellence.

You can explore the document via a website version here: https://www.swfutures.com.au/

Or view the full PDF here: https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61bc06e9fe3432435800e621/66cfea376a25bbd31f77cb40_RDA-RegionalFutures-24-25-WEB.pdf
