Words from the CEO - June

June 28, 2024
CEO Update

The end of Financial Year is already upon us. With budgets fresh in our mind, the importance of planning for business sustainability is at the forefront of many leaders thinking. This is something I raised at our Regional Chambers conference at Hale House last week, particularly around how to remain sustainable while providing our community with business connection, knowledge and advocacy.

Our Strategic Intent for 2024 has allowed us to focus on why we are here and what we are known for. Our work for the past year has focused on clear communication, and whilst we are continually strive for improvements, we want to be known as an organisation that values service, integrity and collaboration.

Providing a service to members can be as simple calling our office asking to be connected to another business. A recent example of this was two members met at our last Business After Hours. One was describing a piece of equipment that was of interest to the other and whilst remembering the organisation, didn’t quite recall the name. Within minutes of the member request to our office they had both been connected.

Another driver for us is to assist members and equipping them with business knowledge can be achieved in a variety of ways:

· Training Programs – we hold monthly Lunch n Learns with experts from our networks.

· Mentorship/Menteeship – Through our annual South West Leaders Program, this open to everyone.

· Networking events – monthly Business after Hours continue connect businesses to our members. June’s event were hosted by Bunbury Flying School. Women in Business is another opportunity to connect a different demographic of members - in July we are meeting at Yours & Mine for a Friday sundowner.

· Resources – Free and Paid through our membership with peak body CCIWA, Economic Outlook from CCIWA through a regional Business Pulse newsletter

· Guest Speakers join us across several forums and programs. For instance, International Women’s Day, 100 women (and some men) hear from industry experts. Other forums such as the South West Leaders Leadership Forum is another great day of learning and knowledge building. Ministers invited to round table discussions. Minister David Michael will be in Bunbury 9 July to discuss his portfolio.

· Skill-sharing workshops, a great example of this was us hosting the Futures Skills series of workshops last year to discuss our future skills across industries.

· Encourage Entrepreneurship – The Young People in Business networking events are a great example of this. This month Jordan Gianfrancesco spoke of his leadership journey to 40 attendees, and how his start-up is now a national company.

Advocacy is communicated through trusted relationships, and confidence in us to be the champion for our business community. There is no issue too big that cannot be communicated. Knowing that twice a year I attend a regional chamber two-day forum with Ministers and Opposition Leaders in a round table discussion, allows members to invite me to be a voice on their behalf. The Chamber also works closely with local government and participate in working groups and forum. All of which, to be a representation for our business community which you are a part of.

Finally, we are so excited to be announcing our finalists for our business excellence awards next week thanks to our valued and highly skilled independent judges. We are grateful for the opportunity to bring a celebration of business excellence from our region, with each winner elevated to be a finalist at the Regional Business Awards held in Perth April 2025.
