Words from the CEO - April

April 28, 2023
CEO Update

Kaya Members,

With moving our newsletter out to monthly we are hoping that you are enjoying increased communications across our social media channels; LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Make sure you are following us so you don't miss our updates! We value connecting with your business by sharing or commenting on your posts.

Our 2023 Strategic Intent was launched at our March Business After Hours, and we are very excited about the benefits the portfolio initiatives will bring to our business community.

Four of the eight portfolios are in full operational swing, with the ‘Women in Business’ led by Kim Jones now having held two events: the International Women’s Day lunch in March, and Coffee Catchup in April, with their next event scheduled for 18 May at 7.00am. The ‘Young People in Business’ portfolio's first event is a casual networking group getting to know other young entrepreneurs in the South West, kicking off on 19 May at the Rose Hotel from 5.30pm. Rhys Veen and his committee have some exciting things planned throughout the year.

Our 'Geographe ‘For Purpose’ portfolio, led by Lynne Harwood is keen to share a greater understanding of the ’For Purpose’ sector and how we can connect opportunities to our broader community.

South West Leaders program is another exciting portfolio led by District Superintendent Geoff Stewart and Danny Griffin with the program holding its final two events for the year over the coming months.One is a breakfast being held on the 10 May where Mentors and Mentees get to meet and hear from Kate Vivian, Assistant Commissioner at DFES and 14 July is our final Gala dinner.

Applications for the 2023/2024 SW program will be opening later in May, with nominations from potential mentors and mentees being invited to join the next cohort. This year we matched 75 mentees with 75 mentors, each from a different sector. This program has received positive feedback and we as a key stakeholder are proud to be a part of a program which builds local business capability and an increase in leadership skills.

As a member-based organisation, we are always looking to improve our delivery and support our membership in the best possible way. We are going through the final stages of implementing a new membership management system and look forward to launching this over the next month or so.

Have a great month!
