Words from the CEO - March

March 29, 2024
CEO Update

This month has been a hive of activity here at the Chamber. We’ve been out and about, meeting members, attending events, and working with many. As members of two peak bodies—the Regional Chamber network and the CCIWA - we have access to expertise and specialists that provide enormous value to our members. Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizations are highly respected and trusted resources that significantly contribute to our business economy on a daily basis.

Here’s a brief overview on what we have worked on in March:

International Women’s Day: We hosted 120 guests for lunch at St Aidan’s Winery. Thank you to keynote speakers Professor Cobie Rudd and Professor Lyn Beazley, and our guest speaker panel discussion moderated by Mikaela Kerwin.

QUBE Visit: Our Membership Coordinator, Carlie, visited QUBE, Daniel Mainstone to learn of their latest business’ developments and share about all the ways his staff could be involved in our Chamber activities as part of their professional development.

- Offshore Renewable Energy Development: We met with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment, and Water to understand the process for the proposed offshore renewable energy development.

Southern Ports Tug Launch: We attended the launch of the new Southern Ports Tug, named “The Wardan.”

-Economic Factsheet Presentation: We collaborated with the Chamber of Minerals & Energy (CME) to host an Economic Factsheet Presentation for the South West which our members and local resource industry stakeholders were invited to.

ZONTA Club Women’s Day Breakfast: We attended ZONTA Club’s annual Women’s Day breakfast, with guest speaker, jet fighter pilot, Flight Lieutenant Sue Freeman from Pearce RAAF Base.

RCR Visit: I visited RCR and spent time with Managing Director Brendan Dorricott, learning about the size and capability of their businesses in this region. We also explored ways to involve his staff in our many activities to assist with their professional development.

- AusIndustry Meeting: We met with the new Regional Manager for AusIndustry, David Richens, to discuss the ongoing assistance from AusIndustry and how it can benefit our members. Sign up to AusIndustry newsletters here.

- Optus Franchisee Connection: We caught up with Gold Member, Optus Franchisee Pieter Van Rensburg. Pieter has a strong value of giving back to those less fortunate and developing his middle management team.

- Indonesian Trade Opportunities: We had the privilege of meeting with the Indonesian Consul General, Listiana Operananta, and her trade team. This meeting provided valuable insights into the numerous opportunities for trade and collaboration between our two neighboring countries.

Bunbury Geographe Business Excellence Awards 2024: We proudly launched the Bunbury Geographe Business Excellence Awards for this year. These awards celebrate outstanding achievements and contributions by local businesses in our region.

Collaborations with CCIWA: We had meetings with key representatives from the CCIWA: Head of Trade and Investment and Head of Membership Services

ICN Gateway: We’re working on exciting collaborations that will unfold in June and July!

- Monthly Meetings with Regional Chambers: Our regular monthly meeting with other Regional Chambers of Commerce in WA allows us to listen and learn about their initiatives and activities. It’s a great opportunity for knowledge sharing and networking.

- Business After Hours: March's Business After Hours event was hosted by environmental consultants JBS&G and held at the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery. These gatherings provide a platform for networking, fostering connections, and exploring business opportunities.

- Women In Business Networking Lunch: we hosted our regular women in business event. Welcome to all of the new people who joined us.

As the CEO of the Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I invest time into attending industry forums and advisory/community groups across the region. This is to ensure our membership community has a representation at these forums but also to ensure our Chamber is connecting members to local opportunities.

·        AMTECH Industry Group

·        Bunbury Geographe Stakeholder Group

·        Bunbury Outer Ring Road – Local Business Advisory Group

·        Bunbury Trade Training Advisory Group

·        City of Bunbury – Events Planning Group

·        City of Bunbury – Tourism Advisory Group

·        Geographe for Purpose Committee

·        Regional Coordinating Committee – Dept of Training and Workforce Development

·        Shire of Capel Economic Development Advisory Committee

These activities certainly keep me busy, but they allow me to stay engaged with what is happening in our community and how we can assist and support our membership.

As a Chamber, supporting our member community at are the heart of everything we do. If you have any specific inquiries or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with me. 


