Monday, 19 July 2021
The South West Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SWCCI), in partnership with Bunbury Geographe Economic Alliance (BGEA) and Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI), is organising the inaugural South West Future Jobs and Skills Forum (the SW Forum), to be held at Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre on the 28 September 2021. This is a free full day event from 11am - 7pm.
The aim of the SW Forum is to increase awareness amongst industry, education and community stakeholders, encouraging them to think and act differently in how they undertake recruitment, training, skills shortages and business growth and expansion in the face of future changes in technology and automation.
The SW Forum is generously sponsored by our premium partners Alcoa, the City of Bunbury and the Local Jobs Program, an Australian Government initiative. Our supporting partners include Albemarle, Optus, Shire of Dardanup, South West Development Commission, South32 and WALGA South West Zone together with our media partners GWN7 and Southern Cross Austereo.
The SW Forum will showcase how the local jobs market has changed significantly within the South West and how it will continue to evolve with the planned business development and proposed major projects in the pipeline. The need for the SW Forum was born out of a commonly held recognition that there is a growing skills gap within the South West and that future advancements in innovation, technology and our evolving regional economy will widen this gap and our inability to meet these skills demands.
The SW Forum combines a number of engaging and informative elements which will run concurrently across the site. There will be two sessions of keynote speakers with panel discussions, industry focused immersion display areas, education and training displays, job seeker support areas, workshops and up to 50 regional business exhibitors showcasing the exciting and innovative advances within their business and how these changes are transforming the skills and jobs requirements they are recruiting for.
This event offers a fantastic opportunity for employers and training institutes to showcase jobs of the future by highlighting the influence that innovation, technology, automation and Artificial Intelligence are having on the employment and skills requirements landscape.
The invitation to exhibit is open to all businesses in the South West. Businesses can register their interest in exhibiting by completing an application form on the BGCCI website at when registrations open between 19 July and 6 August 2021.
For more information or details, please contact the: -
BGCCI CEO - Kristy Gillian
Email Office 08 9791 2292